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Obedience to God Gives You Peace

John 14:27 KJV Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

My garden of faith says...

Peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. Peace means to be in the midst of all those things and still be calm in your heart.  --Catherine Marshall

Are you in a constant battle between war and peace in your life?  I have been there many times due to a myriad of bad relationships with men and some people who I thought were friends. I can't tell you how chaotic my emotions were when I was going through my divorce. I was struggling with forgiveness, bitterness, and a whole lot of pain. If only I had known God back then the way I know him now. It would have made that healing process so much easier. Sisters if you are going through a break up, divorce, or separation from your significant other understand that this is a test of your faith in God. In order to pass it you must go to the Father, pray and ask for peace in your life. Then,  if a reconciliation is not an option, the next step is forgiveness because when you forgive someone, therein lies  your peace. When you hold onto any kind of bitterness, or worse become hateful and vengeful it breeds a spiritual venom that literally kills you inside. How do you expect your Holy Spirit to dwell within you with that type of activity going on in your heart and mind. The Lord God said do not grieve your Holy spirit. Fall on your knees, cut out all types of activity that plants a seed for sin to harbor inside of you. This means you can't listen to certain types of secular music which makes you feel bad. Music is very powerful as are certain television shows we watch. When you view that type of programming, next thing you know you are talkng and acting just like them without even realizing it. Or listening to some sad song drinking and feeling sorry for yourself. God forbid. Cling to the goodness of God. He is peace and love. Focus on the good things in your life. Single mothers you are not alone, your kids are gifts from God, don't neglect them during this season. If you don't have kids, connect with your sister circle even if  it's just one person, that's good enough. Every woman should have someone in their corner they can confide in. If not, Jesus is the best confidante you can ever be blessed with.  'The word says he is our comforter. Run to Him, he will give you that inner peace that we all long for.

In the book of John 14 Jesus knew He was going to be crucified. He spoke to his desciples about peace when the world would no longer be able to see Him anymore. 

Look at John 14:14 It reads: If ye shall ask anything in my name, I will do it

There it is he said anything, so yes you can pray for peace and by faith Receive it

John:14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments

This is the prime reason we don't get what we ask for, disobedience. You can say I love the Lord all day long but if you are not obedient, then you do not love God.  There it is in scripture. You can not be blessed living a life of sin. This was my problem, I wanted peace and freedom from the bondage of my bitterness and hate, but my sin separated me from God, as a result of this, there was no peace for me.  But watch what happens when we do keep his commandments, our ultimate expression of our love to the Father.

John 14:16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever

Family, that "comforter" is God's Holy spirit that lives within you. That's why purity is so important we should not defile our temples with anything contrary to Gods word. I'm not just talking about sex but again, music we listen to, shows we watch on T.V.  I am a former Reality T.V.  show/Scandal aka garbage T.V. addict.  Then my "comforter" began to deal with me and I started to feel a conviction after having conversations about it with my friends about what went on in these shows.  We should not be discussing sinful behavior whether it's fact or fiction, it does nothing but pollute our thoughts and does absolutely nothing for our spirit. Focus on things that are good and positive. In other words we need to think about what we are thinking about.  When you have the divine peace of God, you have absolutely nothing to fear, not divorce, financial crisis, lonliness,  nothing will be able to shake you. That peace helps you to be happy in whatever season of life you find yourself in giving you complete contentment. There is nothing like it. You begin to look at all the good things in your life and become even more thankful to God for your blessings. Remember everything that's good comes from Him. You will find peace through obedience to God's word, and in doing so God will move on your behalf. I hope this word has blessed your life. Let the Peace of God be with you all.

Our Daily Prayer

Dear Lord, I will open my heart to You, and I thank you God for  your love, and for your Son. Amen


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