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Who Do You Represent?

This year has been one of total conviction and divine revelation for me and I'm beyond greatful to God. Like I said in my last post, I went though a very tough season this past year and As I slowly allowed the Holy Spirit to fully dwell within me again after grieving it almost to death, the question "who do you represent?" Screamed loudly in my head. With every sinful action that took place  I would hear that question and it crippled my heart. Those words were in my head day...and night. I was so convicted.  I was lead by the Holy Spirit to put my pen down and open my bible daily. So during this pruning season, God was shaking the mess out of me like wake up daughter! You're falling asleep again! I cried so many nights and I fought back like a chid.  I was corrected consistently. I began to wake up. Blinders came off and I started seeing things spiritually.  I became completely disgusted with myself and repented immediately as I was beginning to see how lukewarm I had allowed this storm to make me. I was exhausted. I'm being completely transparent because one thing I don't do, is highlight reel my journey as if I'm perfect and holiness is a cake walk all the time. As we mature in Christ some of us may get there faster than others. So I think it's important to be honest and share. My purpose is to prayerfully help someone who loves God in their moment of weakness during a storm and to remind others that God is a CONSTANT deliverer who searches the heart. So Don't condemn yourself, just repent, turn AWAY from it and let it go as if it never happened. Trust me, you're not missing out on anything. As God continued to mold and chip at his He gave me strength. I see now why they call him "the potter." I had been unplugged from the world. I can't describe it any better than that. All I know is I don't want any part of it ever again. Who do we represent when we are drunk and partying in clubs, fornicating, cursing, rocking to Music that glorifies all of these things? What will God say to us if that's the lifestyle we choose to lead when we stand before Him on that day of judgment? What will happen to us? Who do we represent when we live life as if there is no God worshipping celebrities and the things they have trying to emulate them? When people see us do they really see a representation of Christ? Or that of this world?  Do we really love God? Do we even know Him? What He likes and dislikes? What makes Him angry? No. we don't, because if we did we would have nothing to do with the ways of this world. Absolutely nothing. Let's be real about it. This is how the Holy Spirit spoke to me. I was so ashamed I could hardly breathe. The good news is, as long as we are living we can return back to Christ. If we die in our sins it's too late. I was lead to research scripture about hell and what is in store for the unrepentant sinner. I made up my mind I'm doing whatever it takes it not to go to that place. I'm doing everything within my power to teach My children as well as I have always done but even more today. How can we be a light to our friends and family of we are in darkness right beside them?  Who do I represent? Jesus. Do you? If so let your lifestyle show it. There is never an excuse to go back to what we have been set free of, not a birthday celebration, not loneliness or comfort because we are  "going through something," no storm or heartbreak, there are NO excuses or breaks from Gods requirement of holiness in our lives. We must pursue it daily and never become weary in well doing. (Galatians 6;9)  In return, we receive peace and most importantly, eternal life. Any other choice is exactly the opposite, you fill in the blanks. Thank God for His Holy Spirit that stayed with us to shake us and wake us up, when we start to fall back asleep. Cut off any stumbling blocks to your salvation TODAY because His word is true:

Galatians 5:19-21 19 Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, 20 idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, 21 envy,[a]drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do[b] such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Galatians 6:9And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.


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