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How Often Should I Study God's Word?

It's not even that cold But I love my fuzzy blanket during my study/meditation time #myQuietTime #godsTime #comfy #mySpace #wrappedUpLikeABurrito ❤️
 Studying the Fig Tree Parable
That's an easy one! Everyday.  I wish every question in the world was as easy to answer as that. You should be in that word every single day. Now I understand the demands of life pulls us in every direction especially if you are a wife, mother, or even a grandmother but it is imperative that we give our spirits God's daily bread in order to survive each day. It is our food and keeps us spiritually healthy and whole. You wouldn't go for days without eating because what would happen? You would eventually die right? Well, the same thing applies to God's word. Your spirit slowly starves to death when you don't get fed with God's word. Then you become hungry and thirsty for the wrong things in life. In the end you become, lost and biblically ignorant in this world. I've been there and it is a terrible place to find yourself.  I know you're busy but that same 30 minutes you just spent on facebook can be spent in that word. Not everyone can spend a few hours on it like myself because it's just that good to me but every little bit of time you give makes you that much wiser concerning the word of God.  Jesus spoke in parables very often so when we study his word and really break down what our Father is saying, we begin to unlock the many secrets of what to expect in the last days, meaning specific events that are going to happen that those of us who don't study the word with understanding will be completely clueless of when they start to happen. Family don't be one taken by surprise, study study study so that you are prepared for what is to come. I love to equate the Holy bible to an instruction manual because within it you will find the directions to salvation and everlasting life. When it comes to God's word, school is always in session for me. The other thing that I found about studying daily is it keeps  me grounded and my mind on what is right and what is good. You have to really exercise that brain matter to understand some of this so you don't have any time to be thinking about sin, you're too busy trying to understand what you just read.  Also get with another anointed brother or sister in Christ, it's always fun to study God's word together! You have to lose yourself in God to the point that nothing else matters other than pleasing Him. It pleases our Father when we take the time to really sit down and study His word. Don't just read it blindly either. I highly recommend you invest in an authentic Strong's concordance to help you understand what Jesus is saying to us. One thing I didn't know coming up was the bible was translated to English for us. The old testament was written in Hebrew and the New testament in Greek in the original manuscripts so it is vital that you have the tools necessary to thoroughly study and understand what you are reading.

Look at Matthew 13:34 it reads: All these things spoke Jesus unto the multitude in parables; and without a parable spoke he not unto them

God didn't give it to them straight, he spoke metaphorically every time he opened His mouth. There is a reason for this, I'll tell you in just a bit.

Verse 35 goes onto say: That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying, I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things which have been kept SECRET from the foundation of the world.

Do you know what foundation means? The very beginning of creation. If Jesus had just come out and said everything, it wouldn't be a secret would it? This is why it is crucial that you study the word everyday as if your life depends on it because family guess what? It does.  Even the disciples were confused at these parables. They asked Jesus, why do you speak in parables?  Not only did the Lord explain why He spoke only in parables, but he directly explained what they meant.

Look at Matthew 13:11 after the disciples ask Jesus why he spoke only in parables to the multitudes He is now speaking directly to his disciples.the  It reads: but He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.

Family everyone is not going to read and understand because its not meant for them. God said so Himself.  That's why It is so important to understand that God sends a spiritual blindness to some people, even pastors when it comes to the truth for their own good.  It is for their own good because there is no sin in ignorance. However, once we know the truth God holds us accountable for that knowledge, what we teach and how we live. That same knowledge is going to be our weapon against Satan in the end.  In this case, what you don't know, will kill you. This is why my message to you today is, study the word for yourself so that YOU know the truth. Don't put your trust in man. Pray for God to bless you with knowledge and understanding of his word the same way you prayed for that house, car, or promotion on your job last week. I hope this helps you to see how critically important understanding of the word of God is. I find it to be very interesting and it also takes away a lot of unnecessary fears that I had in the past due to my ignorance of His word. How can we prepare for something we don't know about. God says some of us are willingly ignorant, why did he say that? because we willingly don't study. We think going to church a couple times a week is all it takes and we're good but that is soooo not the case. There is so much to learn, an hour a week at church isn't going to cut it. Study daily yourself and with your children if you have them. As a parent, you can't save yourself and leave your children lost. God forbid.  Based on what I have learned so far,  It's going to literally take me the rest of my life to learn, and even then I won't know everything. Want to free yourself from a life of sin?  Pray, Open your bible, and let God take over from there. It worked for me, I am positive it will work for you.  Break that cycle and get to know God even more through His word. It will bless you. As always, I welcome your comments. Thanks for reading, I hope this word blesses your life. May God be with you today and always.


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