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Showing posts from January, 2015


Ok Sisters now before you go getting all flustered, planning your men bashing parties and worse...depressed. Lets start with this. As valentines day draws near it never ceases to amaze me how emotions can be controlled by an event or holiday. Biblically, valentines day is a pagan holiday and something a Christian should really care less about. If you ask me,  love is something to celebrate every single day of the year. However, it is ok to show expressions of love to your mate on valentines day if that is your choice. Unfortunately for some, This is the time of year to become discontent, look at other peoples' relationships and begin to envy and wonder why can't that be me? Or I wish that were me? What's wrong with me? These are questions that you, as a child of God shouldn't be even asking yourself.  I hate to use the D word but some of us just get plain desperate. Always remember That God has you right Where He wants you and He makes NO mistakes. So even if you ar

Attention Single Mothers: Maturity in Your Walk Required

Being a single mother myself there have been some days that I have wanted to scream because it seems like everything happens all at once. I still have two minor children left to raise and one who is an adult but very young and still needs my guidance to an extent so there are some long tough days. Then I have the challenge of trying to maintain a civil and Godly relationship with the father of my younger two. I call it a challenge because not every man knows the meaning of responsibility and sacrifice for their children so there have been many times I've just had to trust God. The fact that the child support enforcement agency has to even exist is sad to me. It makes me sick that some men feel that because child support "didn't come out of their check" they get a pass not to take care of their kids.  You will let some man in a robe tell you how much you need to pay to take care of YOUR children and that's your definition of being a good father? Being a good parent

As For Me And My House, We Shall Serve The Lord

 My daughers Brionna & Jasmine during bible Study If you want to put your children on the right path, teaching them the word of God is mandatory. My girls know as long as they live under  my roof, bible study is not an option. They don't get to say "know what mom, I'm not coming to bible study tonight. What? My girls don't even try me. If you haven't implemented it in your home, do it today. It's never too late to start. If you start at an early age it becomes a routine to which your children become accustomed to, you get less push back that way and if you're blessed they will enjoy it. God's word is a good thing. Now don't get me wrong we may not get to study everyday but we strive for a few days a week. Don't use work as an excuse for not enforcing God's word in your home. Before we built all these churches families gathered together and studied the word at home. So if you are unable to assemble with other saints of God

Stressed out? Look to Heaven

Corinthian 7:1 having therefore these promises dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God My Garden of Faith says... Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God  --Corrie Ten Bloom What are you stressing about today? Your bills? That job you've been searching months for? Family? The only fear you should be operating in is the one of  being found to be living in sin upon the return of Jesus to this world. Everything else needs to be placed in front of The Lord and it will be taken care of. There's a catch to that. When we make a choice not to keep God's commandments, we lose that divine protection which leaves us wide open for satan and his cronies to do what they do, reap havoc in our lives. We must have a certain fear of The Lord that causes us to obey Him. Otherwise, get ready because life is going to be a long, hard, and bumpy ride for you. True knowledge of His word le

Watch What You Say

Ephesisans 4:29 Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying that it may minister grace unto the hearers My Garden of Faith Says... Don't forget that a single sentence spoken at the right moment, can change somebody's whole perspective on life. A little encouragement can go a long, long, way.  - Marie T. Freeman Keila says... Let's encourage one another to do better.  Paul is basically telling us in the book of Ephesians 4, that we need to watch our mouths. There is so much competition and hate among us as beautiful women of God. Let us unite as sisters in Christ to build each other up, not tear down. I have had so many broken friendships over this type of strife. If you are in the middle of a battle with your friend, relative, or whoever. Don't let the sun set on your anger. (Eph 4:26) Never ever apologize for walking away from a situation that has the potential to put you outside of the will of God. Wal

Obedience to God Gives You Peace

John 14:27 KJV Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. My garden of faith says... Peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. Peace means to be in the midst of all those things and still be calm in your heart.  --Catherine Marshall Are you in a constant battle between war and peace in your life?  I have been there many times due to a myriad of bad relationships with men and some people who I thought were friends. I can't tell you how chaotic my emotions were when I was going through my divorce. I was struggling with forgiveness, bitterness, and a whole lot of pain. If only I had known God back then the way I know him now. It would have made that healing process so much easier. Sisters if you are going through a break up, divorce, or separation from your significant other understand that this is a test of your faith in God. In o

How Often Should I Study God's Word?

  Studying the Fig Tree Parable That's an easy one! Everyday .  I wish every question in the world was as easy to answer as that. You should be in that word every single day. Now I understand the demands of life pulls us in every direction especially if you are a wife, mother, or even a grandmother but it is imperative that we give our spirits God's daily bread in order to survive each day. It is our food and keeps us spiritually healthy and whole. You wouldn't go for days without eating because what would happen? You would eventually die right? Well, the same thing applies to God's word. Your spirit slowly starves to death when you don't get fed with God's word. Then you become hungry and thirsty for the wrong things in life. In the end you become, lost and biblically ignorant in this world. I've been there and it is a terrible place to find yourself.  I know you're busy but that same 30 minutes you just spent on facebook can be spen

Happy New Year! Thank God We Made it!

Welcome to 2015 and  Welcome Welcome Welcome to my Blog! I'm so excited because my entire life Got totally wrecked last year by Christ. I mean family he broke me DOWN and showed me that I was on the high road to you know where if I didn't change and do it swiftly. So guess what? I woke up and did what I had to do to get myself right with God. This is a new year and I am celebrating the complete surrendering of my life to Jesus Christ in 2014. I was so so hard headed and it took me many bumps and bruises to get here but I'd like to share the ups and downs on my 20+ year path to becoming "One Woman of Virtue."  It took me some time  to finally decide to join the world of blogging. What inspired me to start this blog is #1 Jesus the Christ who is the King of my heart and soul, and of this world. Secondly, my children. I am a single mother of 3 beautiful daughters ages 7, 13, and 19, and finally other women who are lost in this world about what it means to truly be a