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Have you messed Up?

Luke 1:37 For with God nothing shall be impossible

It feels so good to be back blogging again. Whew! This scripture speaks to my heart. This past 2 years since have been a serious faithwalk for me. I have had so many tests and trials rise up that if I didn't have God carrying me I there is no way I would've made it.  I've learned that we can't take our eyes off God for a split second. We should always have a praise on a the inside and outside. We live in a time where people get alienated for even preaching the true living word of God. I had to step out on faith starting my businesses, going back into fashion design, so many things.  I was so doubtful of myself but God kept on sending people my way and doors are opening. Our Christian walk is so important as far as the example we set for others including our children but sometimes it just gets hard. You may be dealing with lonliness, a bad relationship or marriage, problems on the job, the list goes on and on. How do we handle those moments that we just want to give up and go back to our old ways? We talk to God about it, lay that situation before him and walk away. God can't do His job if we are constantly trying to do it for Him. Part of living for God is knowing and understanding that sometimes you WILL mess up. The key here is not getting complacent and comfortable with STAYING in your mess.  God honors those of us who seek righteousness so just keep praying and striving for God. He really does understand because he truly has walked in our shoes. That's the most wonderful thing about our Father, the sacrifices He made for us which ended up being His own life.  Now we can talk to Him about our bad habits (because we ALL have them) and He will help us overcome. The devil would have us to believe if he could that we are so messed up that we cant run to Jesus. We can run to Him as many times as we  need until we get it right. I'm not saying to be comfortable with sinning because of his grace, no no.  Scripture says that God searches our hearts so He knows which of us truly have a heart for Him. Your faith is what MOVES God. This means you can conquer anything in life in Him even sin and the devil himself. It's definitely not easy, but it can be done so just work your FAITH.  I am so looking forward to sharing my professional and spiritual journey with you. Please subscribe to receive daily inspiration over your life.

My Garden of Faith says

Let the seeking person reach a place where life and lips join to say continually, "Be thou exalted," and a thousand minor problems will be solved at once.

A.W. Tozer

Our Daily Prayer

Lord let me not walk in doubt and fear. You said you will never leave or forsake me. Holy spirit give me the strength to believe and have faith that your word is true. In knowing that all things work to the good for those who love and obey the Lord , I take comfort in knowing that I can rest and cast all of my cares onto you.

Rest and trust in God always. Peace be with you

--Keila, One Woman of Virtue


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