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Finding Direction in life: Hearing the voice of God

Many times I have found myself in situations that I had no idea what to do to get out of them. It took me the majority of my young adult life to figure out how to hear God's voice. I was just winging it doing what I "thought" was right and not beseeching God about what HE wanted me to do. As a result, I ended up in the wrong marriage, a string of bad relationships after my divorce, dead end jobs with no purpose etc. and went for years without hearing His voice. My prayer life was very weak and I was just living without a purpose. As I matured and got tired of constantly being hurt, I started to focus on developing a closer relationship with God, I learned that God really does communicate with us in our thoughts as we pray. I had tried everything but God. Went down every path except the one God chose for me. I was just tired. So I turned back to God and said ok Lord where do YOU want me to go? I mean I cried out to Him with my heart and like a tornado He cleaned house and people started dropping like flies out of my life. I was amazed. This was about 2 years ago and for a time I went through withdrawal, but every single time I tried to seek out someone from my past I hit a dead end. Then God told me I removed those people because I had to. In other words you knew those people were toxic but weren't strong enough to let them go yourself.  I used to think people were crazy when I heard them say "God told me to do this or that." It was because I thought they meant they would be praying and hearing a thundering voice of God like Moses and the burning bush. For me it wasn't like that, it was a thought in my head and I knew without a shadow of a doubt it was God speaking to me. I laugh at my old way of thinking sometimes and I am so thankful that God blessed me with an entirely new mindset. The way that I was finally able to hear His voice was first, striving for obedience. I eliminated a lot of things that I was doing in life that were not like Him. I just asked God to remove the desire for things that I was doing that were wrong from my heart. I'm living proof that God can change the hearts of those who seek Him. Then I was hungry for the meat of the word. I didn't want any watered down messages from feel good pastors so I studied the word for myself and when I did finally find my church that I currently go to now it just enhanced my spiritual life even more. I mean I meditated on His word daily, not like Bhuddism. Meditation for me simply consists of me sitting quietly alone and talking to God until I feel His presence.  After I read a scripture I think on it for a time, and pray for wisdom and understanding.  Sometimes He speaks to me, sometimes He just listens but I know He's there. I now know the difference between God's voice and clutter in my mind. We all have a lot of that and it can get overwhelming. If we truly desire to be more like Him and pray on it He will begin to move things out of your life that you thought you couldn't live without, even people! Isn't God amazing? That's what He did in my life, moved those distractions completely out of the way. So don't worry about that addiction, just learn to be still and let the Holy spirit rest in your mind instead of the trash of this world that comes with social media, tv, music etc, and God will change your life.  When I have certain thoughts on what I should or shouldn't  do, I know if it comes from myself or God. That is a spiritual gift that everyone has access to by faith, walking in the spirit, and communing consistently with God. If you have problems hearing God's voice, pray and ask God to speak to you and order your steps. I am a living witness that He will.  Let me first be clear, prayer is not the equivalent of rubbing a lamp and God appears like a genie and starts granting your wishes. The price of blessings is obedience. Also don't be upset with God if you pray and don't get what you want, it just may not be in His will. He is not going to give you anything that will hurt you.   If we want God to lead and guide us then we must keep His commandments in our hearts. That is His will. We can't deceive our creator, He knows whether or not we are beseeching him with a clean heart. Proverbs 3:6 says in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths. If you believe that God can't lie then you will also believe that this is the specific formula to unlock your blessings. Obedience. I hammer that into my children because I want them to know that this Is the only way that they will see the blessings of God truly manifest in their lives.   Galatians 5:19-21 is very clear about who will not inherit the kingdom of God.  If you read it you will see that you have committed at least one of those sins within those verses, the majority of us including myself, have done multiple things that God does not like. I'm not ashamed to say so because I know I have been forgiven and delivered. This is why the sacrifice of Jesus is so sweet because we would all be wiped out if it weren't for that.  God loves us and wants us to live forever.  We need Jesus to be our guiding light so we can see our way through the darkness that comes with this journey called life. Satan will throw all kinds of distractions at you as you are striving to walk with God but you just continue to cling to God for protection and you will make it through. He knows we are not perfect and never will be. More tests will come the closer you get to God, but keep in mind satan is not omnipotent. He can't be everywhere at once like God can. So learn to recognize the demons and spirits he sends your way as well and fight them with the word of God. Those distractions will come in the form of relationships, jobs, etc. Stay on the straight path, God says don't look to the left or the right Proverbs 3:25-27 let your eyes look straight ahead, Ponder the path of your feet (think about where you're going) Do not turn to the right or the left; remove your foot from evil. We must learn to be wise in every decision and every path we take in life. God gives us free will but he also left us with a roadmap so we don't lose direction. The Holy bible, the true living word of God. Sometimes you might stumble along the way but stay on that righteous path anyway. Study the word and know it so that the enemy can never lead you astray.

Our daily prayer...say it with me

Father direct my path in life as I strive to obey your holy will. Help me to lean not to my own understanding but to allow you to take over my life and lead me where I should go.  Teach me Lord how to focus on you. Touch my heart to desire more of you God and not this world. You said perfect peace comes from keeping my eyes on you, Holy spirit strengthen me to be obedient. In Jesus name. Amen.

May the Peace of God be with you

--One Woman of Virtue


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