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Showing posts from January, 2017

Why It's Important to Free Ourselves From Sin

Sin is a touchy subject to talk about  but so important as we work on our relationships with God. Most of the time when we talk about removing sin from our lives,  people automatically say you are being self righteous and judgmental of others. For some that may be the case but I'm not ashamed to admit that I personally struggle every single day with it.  Sometimes I have stop myself from popping off at someone who cuts me off in traffic, gossiping with friends, or saying something negative about my ex husband around my children, etc. Over the years, it has gotten much easier for me because I don't want the guilt and shame that comes along with the sin. It feels so much better when I'm doing God's work and walking the way He tells me to. I'm so blessed because there was a time in my life where I totally ignored God and did what I wanted. Ultimately, I paid a high price for that. I learned hard lessons but it made me wiser today. When I do slip,  that conviction of t

Have you messed Up?

Luke 1:37 For with God nothing shall be impossible It feels so good to be back blogging again. Whew! This scripture speaks to my heart. This past 2 years since have been a serious faithwalk for me. I have had so many tests and trials rise up that if I didn't have God carrying me I there is no way I would've made it.  I've learned that we can't take our eyes off God for a split second. We should always have a praise on a the inside and outside. We live in a time where people get alienated for even preaching the true living word of God. I had to step out on faith starting my businesses, going back into fashion design, so many things.  I was so doubtful of myself but God kept on sending people my way and doors are opening. Our Christian walk is so important as far as the example we set for others including our children but sometimes it just gets hard. You may be dealing with lonliness, a bad relationship or marriage, problems on the job, the list goes on and on. H