Last month was filled with biblical knowledge for me. I took the entire month of February to study the book of Daniel verse by verse like never before with my bible study group. We discovered that there are so many things that can be applied to our lives today from what Daniel went through. This prophetic book is an overlay for the book of Revelations, which means "uncovering." Its no wonder God gave the final book that name, because it gives a clear picture of what is going to happen. If you have never thoroughly studied these books, I strongly encourage you to do so. God gave Daniel and John a first hand glimpse into the future. When you really delve into Revelations and Daniel, you can clearly see prophesy that has already been fulfilled and what is to come in the last days. Just like during Daniel's time There is too much pride and love of money in the world today and it is going to destroy the majority of us in the end. All we have to do is log onto social media and we see it there plain as day. If ever there was anyone who had the opportunity to be a bragger and put himself on high, it was most definitely Daniel. God blessed him with an amazing gift, the gift of prophesy and interpretation. God gave him visions concerning prophecy in the word which still have yet to be fulfilled. He could have declared himself a King in the eyes of man if he wanted to. Not only did Daniel choose not to do that, but he gave God all the glory every single time. Even when others tried to worship him, he humbly declined that invitation and proclaimed God as the source of his ability. For this reason God blessed and protected Daniel his entire life. How many successful people do you know in your life who brag and boast about what they have while taking full credit for it all. I bet there are many because so many people are chasing the things of this world and not chasing God. We can't be lukewarm in our obedience and service to God and we just can't serve two masters. Either you're going to love the world or love God. He wants all of you not just a portion. God hates it when we are lukewarm His word says "So then because thou art lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I will spue you out of my mouth." Rev 3:16 In this verse He is speaking to one of the seven churches that he found fault with but it is clear in this verse that He'd rather we make a choice and stick to it. Yes God has found fault in our churches. Satan's favorite place to attack us is from the pulpit and the spirit of pride clearly comes from him. It's important that we not make the mistake that king Nebuchadnezzar made in the book of Daniel by worshipping things, making them our gods, and taking on the "look what I did" mindset. Instead it should be "look at what God did." He deserves our praise or we risk being driven out of our comfort zone just like that old King of Babylon. In the end he found out the hard way that God was in control the entire time. This is what a lot of us fail to realize, then we lose our blessings because we don't take on the attitude of Daniel. He was in captivity still upholding Gods word and was willing to die for it. If you are not this type of Christian than you will not overcome in the end. We are most definitely in the last days. We must give God the glory for every acheivement, the the things we have, our very lives, EVERYTHING. In addition to not giving God the praise, a lot of us don't trust Him in our times of distress. Think of Daniel in the lions den, or the 3 Hebrew boys who were thrown into the fiery furnace. God was right there with them and He is still the same way with his chidren today. God doesn't change, he will hold your hand through every situation in your life if you let him. Learn to cling to God instead of people because most of the time "people" will leave you, and material things are definitely worthless, but God is always there for His children. Trust and obedience to Gods word are what kept Daniel alive during his trials. Again, this is no different today. We are in a season right now where for the most part, people are pretty comfortable in their homes with their families, nothing new is going on. Eventually, That will change someday. The things that are going on that we read about in the national news happening right now in other countries, will eventually effect the whole world. How will you react when you are pushed out of your comfort zone? Will you be ready? Or will you be too busy listening to the feel good pastors who are more like therapists writing self help books telling you how to fix your marriage and things like that without ever getting to the meat of what is in Gods word regarding preparation of His return. I call them "feel good" pastors because they only tell people what they want to hear so as not to "offend" anyone. They pick and choose verses to talk about while completely ignoring the rest of the word and never quite get around to teaching their congregations the deeper truths like how to tell the difference between the antichrist and the true Messiah. They are too busy keeping up with whoever. God is definitely going to charge them for that. The things that we work so hard to obtain in this life won't matter when the times of tribulation comes. So don't put your trust in that relationship you're in, the cars you drive or the house you live in. It is ok to be successful and pursue your dreams but don't starve spiritually. God ordered us to be watchmen. Are you going to be caught off guard because you're too "caught up" in this world. Keep your eyes on God as you accomplish your goals and let Him lead you. In all of your studying and learning, make time to study and focus on what saith the Lord about how to be prepared for what is to come when this world ends. Continue to praise, worship, and most importantly give Jesus the Christ all the credit. He is more than worthy. God bless you
Have you seen my new book teaser? If not click on the video here and enjoy. I'm currently over 100 pages in and it feels like God is speaking to my heart as I'm writing. I mean He is just pouring into me right now and I love it. When I think about how many woman are going to be set free from bondage and receive breakthroughs that are going to shame the devil it makes me want to throw my laptop and start shouting! Well, maybe not throw my laptop but you know where I'm going with this, I am super excited. I'm talking about chains being broken all over the world! I just came back from Los Cabo San Lucas, Mexico and the beauty of that place just reminded me of how great and awesome God is and also how amazingly beautiful Heaven is going to be. God says it has not entered into man's imagination what He has planned for us in the Kingdom. We are children of a King so it's time for us to come out of bondage and become the royalty ...
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