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Showing posts from April, 2017

Surprise! New book Title and Free Chapter Sneak Peak!

Coming Fall 2017 How many women out there can relate to feeling like you are at war in your heart?  In the process you find yourself fighting what the Holy Spirit is leading you to do or not to do. You find yourself entertaining a relationship with that ungodly man, going places you have no business going. Have you found yourself wounded from going down paths the Lord told you not to?  I have been there many times. It's time to break that cycle and start hearing God's voice. Let that internal war come to an end by allowing God to intervene and heal you.  Too many times we are taking matters into our own hands because we doubt God as if He can't fix our situations. We need to stop blocking our blessings and start trusting God.  I am so excited to share the New title and first chapter of my book with you! The book is now titled "The War Within Her." If you like it please post a review on my facebook page and let me know what you think. I write from the heart be

It's time for Healing: Freedom Now

 Have you seen my new book teaser?  If not click on the video here and enjoy. I'm currently over 100 pages in and it feels like God is speaking to my heart as I'm writing.  I mean He is just pouring into me right now and I love it. When I think about how many woman are going to be set free from bondage and receive breakthroughs that are going to shame the devil it makes me want to throw my laptop and start shouting! Well, maybe not throw my laptop but you know where I'm going with this, I am super excited.  I'm talking about chains being broken all over the world! I just came back from Los Cabo San Lucas, Mexico and the beauty of that place just reminded me of how great and awesome God is and also how amazingly beautiful Heaven is going to be. God says it has not entered into man's imagination what He has planned for us in the Kingdom. We are children of a King so it's time for us to come out of bondage and become the royalty that we are. I'm preparing to r