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Showing posts from February, 2017

Finding Direction in life: Hearing the voice of God

Many times I have found myself in situations that I had no idea what to do to get out of them. It took me the majority of my young adult life to figure out how to hear God's voice. I was just winging it doing what I "thought" was right and not beseeching God about what HE wanted me to do. As a result, I ended up in the wrong marriage, a string of bad relationships after my divorce, dead end jobs with no purpose etc. and went for years without hearing His voice. My prayer life was very weak and I was just living without a purpose. As I matured and got tired of constantly being hurt, I started to focus on developing a closer relationship with God, I learned that God really does communicate with us in our thoughts as we pray. I had tried everything but God. Went down every path except the one God chose for me. I was just tired. So I turned back to God and said ok Lord where do YOU want me to go? I mean I cried out to Him with my heart and like a tornado He cle